More Little Moments

October 25, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I'm not a big fan of almost reviewing a couple's big day in detail in a blog but as said in the previous blog I do want to say something about the big days that go beyond the usual social media nod.

So here's a continuation of images I've selected from the second part of 2016, those photos that show something different.
It might not feature the bride or groom or both or be overly traditional, but these are some of my favourite images and some reasons as to why- one from each wedding from the main part of 2016.

Big thanks again to all the couples that let me play a part in their day in 2016 and on that note, if you know of anyone getting wed in 2017 or beyond please feel free to give them a nudge.


Jonanthan & Kirsty's big day was one of the weddings to suffer from the cruel July rain but it didn't affect the day at all. Shortly after arriving at the church I spotted Jonathan speaking with his grandma, as I learned in the speeches later in the day she had played a big part in his childhood, upbringing and life in general. Sadly Grandma, now quite elderly and frail also suffered from dementia and Jonathan was bringing her up to speed with what was happening, amongst the conversation were the words  "It's my wedding, I'm getting married"....... it was at this point Jonathan got a cuddle and a kiss. A truly beautiful yet sad moment.


This was on Henry's wish list, probably from the day he proposed- "I want a shot of me and my boys doing a school boy wee" he said. What was as funny was that just over the wall was the splendour of Osmaston park and the wedding itself- little did any of the guests know at the time what was happening just out of sight. Incidentally for the record they didn't wee for real..... I don't think.


Steve & Beckie's wedding was always going to be a big crazy social affair, one that as the photographer I knew I would largely have to go with the flow of the day. As we worked through the few traditional group shots required this happened. If a wedding party are the right crowd I'll get them to do something daft, these clowns needed no encouragement. The chap kissing Beckie is the groom's brother who had been hoisted up in secret by fellow usher Kurt who is lurking around the back. A great and very hot day.


Upon visiting the West Mill Derby I immediately fell in love with it. Lots of symmetry with lots of natural light, on both of which I thrive on as a photographer. Paul & Catherine were great, a really relaxed and chilled out couple who were great in realising the importance of taking a little break from the wedding in order to get the important and intimate shots. They hadn't married at the West Mill but we had been allowed to utilise the ceremony room as we wished and I just loved the big open plan spaces, especially when they were empty such as this. 

NB. Occasionally the photographer misses a shot and back at the church there was one that got away. I switched my cameras off as the vicar started on a less "involving" aspect of the ceremony but as she took a step back she forgot/misjudged one of the steps and landed firmly on her behind, it happened almost in slow motion. She then stood to announce the next hymn "One more step along the world I go"...... perhaps me turning my cameras off was divine intervention, either way I was gutted.


Towards the latter 'the table wine has been drank' stages of Andrew & Beccy's big day I caught up with the bride and close friends as they were clowning around. We did a couple normal type shots and then it went for this daft one. I would love to say this was a one-take picture but it wasn't, but that wasn't down to me- there were a couple of 'over eager' participants shall we say and a couple that didn't quite grasp the concept of "ON THREE"- this I believe was the third attempt after a few minor tumbles and probably damaged ligaments. We got there in the end.


I love this one of Sam & Gem's big day. I had scouted out a lovely walled path away from the church and with the emphasis on getting the overall wedding party away from the church in good time this was a great little escape for us three to give the ushers et al chance to arrange people for a quick confetti shot and exit. Sam wasn't the first and won't be the last but as I recall this was where he first stood on his new wife Gem's train- I think a few choice words and apologies followed but it was all in good spirit with all of us laughing and with it I caught this.


Paul & Tracy's wedding was a very small, personal and secret affair. The first anyone knew of it besides the witnesses, registrar and me was a social media check in at Ashbourne's registry office. When the happy and newly married couple exited the building Tracy's work colleagues were waiting so it gave me quite a unique opportunity to capture a half Waitrose staff half wedding party shot up against one of my personal favorite backdrops Ashbourne has to offer.


I previously featured this wedding in a standalone blog as it was a last minute 'Plan B' wedding due to Emma's cancer diagnosis. What makes this photo special was that the previous shots was Mum, Dad and little boy Finn but Finn refused to come away for just Mum & Dad to have their photo taken alone. The little ones are often very shy, the whole ordeal of a wedding is a little alien to them so they tend to cling to parents, but a trick I utilised on the day was to ask Finn if he wanted to take the photo himself..... he lept up without hesitation, ran from Mum & Dad stood behind the camera and this was the result. It's a different image to the usual couple shot, because they're not looking at me the hired photographer or the camera- they're looking at their child and therefore it produces two extremely true and completely natural facial expressions.


A bride & groom are obviously the centre of attention on the day. This is particularly true when they are stood centre stage in church and as it can be classed as a stage the couple will often play their part as expected. I try to keep an eye on them at all times for the little occasions when they know or think no-one is looking and they go from being the bride & groom and revert back to being in this case just Katie & Mark for just a few seconds. When the witnesses stepped in to sign the marriage certificate and all eyes were on them I kept my camera squarely on the newly weds and captured this little 'We did it' moment.




to be continued......




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